Finally had send this latest version for PCB fabrication. I had been busy recently but able to fork out some time to continue this hobby.This year new objective 2022 is to make this one work better than previous version. What I had done:
1. I separated the ESC with Power Supply section to one board
2. For the FC board, just plainly MCU, Gyro, Receiver.
3. Now my custom receiver is upgraded to ESP12F. Sounds like expressLRS, but is not. It was my long time ago receiver until now. It was running on atmega328 but I had migrated to this ESP32 and now shrinking it. Also using E01-ML01 as the receiver (NRF24L01P compatible)
4. I call it SimpleFC because I want it to be simple and clean. So, this round I had removed BARO and also using STM32F411CEU6 microcontroller. How I did that? I reverse engineered from the code. Based on the code, I mapped back the pins and build backs the schematic. Is a pretty fun process.
5. Of course now is year 2022, we need USB C. I had found pin layouts from USB C pins and successfully linked it back to the board. No longer need to carry another USB cable for that. I know some are using WiFi cheap for flashing but I still prefer to have cables.
6. Both the board sizes are: 37mm x 37mm with 1mm thickness and 4 layers.
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You will be able to download the schematics.
– USB-C port
– STM32F411CEU6 (FC MCU)
– MPU6000
– ESP12F (Receiver MCU)
– 6 ESC outputs
– AUX1, AUX2 can be used for RSSI (Next version will link the RSSI)
– 2 hardware serial ports
– 1 I2C port
– 1 x CAM port with 5V power
– 1 x VTX port with 5V power
– 4in1 ESC
– 18A each phase
– Including 3.3V and 2x 5V buck booster
– Voltage sensor
– Only support 1S (Supported voltage from 2.0v ~ 4.2v) Once the voltage hits 2.5v motor spins but not enough rpms to maintain. Only able to power up the electronics.
– Supports BlueJay and BLHeli_S firmware.